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ACEA Interactive Map – Truck Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Needed in Europe by 2025 and 2030

acea truck hydrogen refuelling

ACEA Interactive map – Truck hydrogen refuelling stations needed in Europe by 2025 and 2030.

[ACEA] The first hydrogen fuel‐cell electric vehicles are already being rolled out in Europe. From the mid‐2020s the vehicle offering will increase significantly, with at least 60,000 trucks expected to be in operation by 2030.

However, the infrastructure that is indispensable to refuel these fuel-cell trucks is almost completely missing. Because of their higher power and energy demand, heavy‐duty vehicles simply cannot use existing infrastructure for cars.

As the new ACEA position paper on truck infrastructure requirements explains, this issue must be addressed urgently. Policymakers need to take action to ensure a rapid infrastructure roll‐out as part of the review of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID).

ACEA Interactive Map – Truck Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Needed in Europe by 2025 and 2030

AFID infrastructure targets

Indeed, an EU-wide target of around 300 truck‐suitable hydrogen refuelling stations by 2025, and at least 1,000 no later than 2030, should be set. Moreover, one hydrogen refuelling site should be available every 200 kilometre along the TEN‐T core network by 2030.

A hydrogen refuelling station for trucks should have a daily capacity of at least six tonnes of H2 with a minimum of two dispensers per stations.

To guarantee that the necessary number of hydrogen refuelling stations are available by 2025 and 2030 throughout the EU, binding targets should be set per member state.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

  • This interactive map shows the number of truck-specific hydrogen refuelling stations required in Europe (the 27 EU member states plus the UK) by 2025 and 2030 for each country.

Interactive map – Truck hydrogen refuelling stations needed in Europe by 2025 and 2030, per country, May 20, 2021

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