AeH2, Spanish Hydrogen Association, incorporates Carburos Metalicos as a promoter partner.
Metallic Carbides has become a promoter partner of the Spanish Hydrogen Association ( AeH2 ), an entity to which it belongs since 2003. This step will allow the consolidation of the relationship between both organizations to continue promoting renewable hydrogen , a key vector for the decarbonization of the Spanish economy.
For the company, the introduction of renewable hydrogen constitutes a strategic line, especially with regard to mobility .
In this sense, it is organizing the hydrogen route that has already passed through Oviedo, Bilbao, Tarragona, Zaragoza, Valladolid and Córdoba, which shows the maturity of this technology and its ability to decarbonize transport, both the urban of people and the of goods, within the framework of the environmental objectives faced by large Spanish cities.
Apart from this initiative, the Manoteras hydrogeneration plant that has come into operation this year in Madrid also supplies renewable hydrogen .
For its part, the Spanish Hydrogen Association, the oldest association in the sector, founded in 2002 , has established itself as the voice and the reference agent for the hydrogen sector in Spain and celebrates the incorporation of Metallic Carbides as a promoter partner.
Javier Brey, president of AeH2, stated that
Green hydrogen is one of the fundamental axes that will allow us to achieve the decarbonisation objectives set for 2030 and 2050.
“Therefore, it is essential to promote these technologies both from the public and private spheres , either through the articulation of a stable regulatory framework that allows us to continue developing projects of value, or through the granting of funds and aid that accelerate their implementation ”.
In this sense, ” from the AeH2 we are committed to continue working in this line with partners as relevant as Metallic Carbides, who have just become promoter partners, thus showing their support for the development of renewable hydrogen in Spain “, Brey details .
For his part, the general director of Metallic Carbides and vice president of Air Products in Southern Europe and the Maghreb, Miquel Lope, has valued the presence of his company as a promoter partner of AeH2 within his collaborative strategy to create a hydrogen ecosystem in Spain, as well as its membership in the world’s largest hydrogen producer, the Air Products Group. Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.
Miquel Lope:
C CCOUNT the world ‘s largest distribution network funneled hydrogen and has participated in more than 250 projects related to its supply scattered twenty countries.
“Every year, Air Products provides more than 1.5 million hydrogen refills worldwide and, as specialists in the entire value chain of this energy vector, we are committed to renewable hydrogen as a fuel for mobility within the decarbonization process. and energy transition ”, according to Lope.
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AeH2 incorporates Metallic Carbides as a promoter partner, December 16, 2021