Hydrogen Central

Carlton Power New Project Highlights Opportunity for Hydrogen in The South West

Carlton Power hydrogen

Carlton Power, part of Hydrogen South West’s growing hydrogen cluster, recently received planning consent for its 10 MW Langage green hydrogen power plant.  

The project will form part of the proposed Plymouth & South West freeport and will open up opportunities to provide hydrogen to industry partners across the South West. These industrial sites can receive green hydrogen without extensive modification.

Once operational, the Langage Project will reduce carbon emissions in the South West by 5,000 tonnes annually.

Carlton Power has also submitted its Langage project for funding through the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund.  

Eric Adams, Hydrogen Project Director at Carlton Power said:

The Langage project is ideally located to be the West Country’s first low-carbon hydrogen hub, With the need, especially among industrial companies, to move away from fossil fuels and reach Net Zero, Langage Green Hydrogen and our other projects can make an important contribution to the transition to the hydrogen economy.

Simon Earles, Chairman of Hydrogen South West commented:

“The South West is fast becoming a national centre of excellence for hydrogen.

“We’re delighted that Carlton Power has gained consent for its Langage Project – the latest in a long line of net zero developments that will bring the benefits of hydrogen to the region and beyond.”

Hydrogen South West is developing an infrastructure ecosystem that delivers hydrogen projects and generates investment for projects beyond heavy industrial clusters.

The South West has a rich engineering and energy history and is home to a powerful cluster of leading aerospace and transport businesses. These companies have joined forces to create Hydrogen South West.

The ecosystem is delivering a range of projects that focus on the role hydrogen can play in decarbonising key industries – such as aviation, transport and utilities.

About HSW

Hydrogen South West (www.hydrogensouthwest.com/) is creating an infrastructure ecosystem to bring the benefits of hydrogen to the South West of England. The South West has a rich engineering and energy history, and is home to a powerful cluster of leading aerospace and transport businesses.

These dynamic organisations have joined forces to create Hydrogen South West. The collaboration creates links between supply and demand centres in the region, and enables cross-sector partnerships that will drive the development of hydrogen infrastructure and technology.


  • Langage Green Hydrogen opens up opportunity to provide hydrogen to industry partners across the South West
  • The 10 MW plant will reduce carbon emissions in the region by 5,000 tonnes every year
  • The South West is fast becoming a national centre of excellence for hydrogen

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Carlton Power’s new project highlights opportunity for hydrogen in the south west.

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