Cosmhyc Demo, Compression for Hydrogen Refuelling Stations, is Launched. COSMHYC DEMO project held its official Kick-Off meeting. COSMHYC DEMO is the third project of the FCH JU (Fuel Cells & hydrogen Joint Undertaking) funded COSMHYC project series, which is developing an innovative compression solution for Hydrogen Refueling Stations (HRS).
The COSMHYC compression solution will now be demonstrated in a real-life HRS to be installed by CCTVI (Communauté de Communes Touraine Vallée de l’Indre, a grouping of municipalities in the French Touraine Vallée de l’Indre area) in the direct vicinity of the city of Tours.
Hydrogen mobility is gaining unprecedented momentum. Although the number of HRS is increasing, the development of an effective and comprehensive refueling infrastructure remains a major challenge for the deployment of fuel cell electric vehicles.
The compressor is the most challenging component in an HRS in terms of costs and reliability. The COSMHYC series is addressing this need with its innovative solution. COSMHYC DEMO will make the last step by demonstrating the compressor’s maturity for commercial application.
COSMHYC DEMO is run by a European consortium of leading research institutions, industry players and the local authority district of the future HRS site. The European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) coordinates the project. It also assesses the techno economic performance of the hybrid compressor.
The components will be manufactured and integrated into the HRS by the industrial partners: The French SMEs MAHYTEC and EIFHYTEC develop and manufacture the thermochemical compressor, paired with the Danish company Nel adapted mechanical compressor, the COSMHYC DEMO hybrid solution combines the advantages of both technologies.
The Communauté de Communes Touraine Vallée de l’Indre (CCTVI), an association of 22 French municipalities with 52’000 inhabitants, provides the HRS site in the HYSOPARC area and will operate the HRS to refuel their fleet of vehicles, including Refuse Collection Vehicles.
Long term goals of the project are to foster the uptake of H2 mobility and prepare the market entry of the COSMHYC compressor. The project started in 2021 with a foreseen duration of 3 years.
COSMHYC DEMO IS LAUNCHED, February, 2nd 2021