Hydrogen Central

In-Der-City-Bus Gmbh Orders Heavy-Duty Hydrogen Station from Everfuel, Climate-Neutral Bus Transport in Frankfurt Am Main with Green Hydrogen

everfuel heavy-duty hydrogen station

In-der-City-Bus GmbH orders heavy-duty hydrogen station from Everfuel, Climate-neutral bus transport in Frankfurt am Main with green hydrogen.

In-der-City-Bus GmbH orders heavy-duty hydrogen station from Everfuel. In December 2021 it was announced that Everfuel had been awarded a contract by a public organisation in the Frankfurt area in Germany, and all parties have now signed the final contract.

In a Europe-wide tendering procedure, In-der-City-Bus GmbH (ICB) has awarded Everfuel GmbH the contract for the planning, construction and commissioning of a hydrogen refuelling station. The contract also includes maintenance and servicing.

Additionally, Everfuel was awarded the contract for the supply of hydrogen for a minimum of three years.

This is the first order for Everfuel GmbH in Germany since the company was founded at the beginning of 2021 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Everfuel A/S from Denmark.

Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO at Everfuel, said:

We are pleased with the order from ICB and grateful for the confidence they have shown in us.

“This project positions us in the very exciting German market and enables us to show existing and new customers our innovative solutions for zero-emission transport.”

The planned hydrogen refuelling station has the capacity to refuel at least 22 fuel-cell buses per day. It is designed to be fully redundant and modular so that the station can easily be expanded to refuel a larger number of hydrogen buses.

The green hydrogen (H2) dispensed will be delivered in Everfuel’s custom-build hydrogen trailers. The project will contribute to a significant reduction to emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases. Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.

With this project, ICB is launching the next phase of its electrification concept where battery buses have  been in use since 2018. With the fuel cell buses, the company is now integrating the second fossil-free technology into its fleet.

In the future, the respective technological system advantages will thus be played out in Frankfurt’s local transport.

ICB ordered their first 13 fuel cell buses from Solaris in mid-2021. These will be operated on the 22-kilometre Line 36 when delivered. The line runs almost exclusively through densely populated inner-city districts and areas close to the city center of Frankfurt.

Stephanie Schramm, Managing Director at IBC.

With the construction of our own hydrogen refuelling station and the implementation of the fuel cell buses, ICB has reached another milestone on the way to climate-neutral urban transport.

“Our goal is to complete the technology change from diesel to locally emission-free, low-noise fleets powered by hydrogen or electricity by 2030. An important prerequisite for this is an efficient and reliable infrastructure.”

“We are convinced that with Everfuel we have found the right partner for our hydrogen refuelling station and the supply of hydrogen. And we are proud to support the climate targets set by the city of Frankfurt am Main.”

For additional information, please contact:
Lea Vindvad Hansen, Investor Relations & Communications Manager, Everfuel, +45 61 93 02 05

Jens Conrad, Business Development Manager Deutschland, Everfuel, +49 (0) 179 499 7470

About In-der-City-Bus GmbH (ICB)

The municipal transport company In-der-City-Bus GmbH (ICB) operates three bus bundles in Frankfurt am Main, covering more than 50 per cent of Frankfurt’s bus services. The company operates 30 routes with a 215-vehicle fleet . Around 600 people are employed – at the wheel, in workshops and administration.

ICB aims to transition its entire fleet by 2030, in line with the climate protection goals of the city of Frankfurt am Main. With electric buses and modern, low-emission diesel buses, the company already stands for environmentally friendly connections and comfortable urban mobility.

About Everfuel | www.everfuel.com

Everfuel is making green hydrogen for zero-emission mobility commercially available across Europe, offering competitive all-inclusive hydrogen supply- and fueling solutions.

We own and operate green hydrogen infrastructure and partner with vehicle OEMs to connect the entire hydrogen value chain and seamlessly provide hydrogen fuel to enterprise customers under long-term contracts.

Green hydrogen is a 100% clean fuel made from renewable energy and key to electrification of the transportation sector in Europe and a sustainable future.

We are a young ambitious company, headquartered in Herning, Denmark, and with activities in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and a plan to grow across Europe. Everfuel is listed on Euronext Growth in Oslo under EFUEL.

Climate-neutral bus transport in Frankfurt am Main with green hydrogen, Herning, Denmark, February 18, 2022

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