Hydrogen Central

Doosan Fuel Cell and SK Energy to Rollout Tri-Gen Hydrogen Chargers

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Doosan Fuel Cell and SK Energy are rolling out a new type of hydrogen charging infrastructure in Korea utilizing tri-gen fuel cell technology.

Tri-gen fuel cell systems, currently in development by Doosan Fuel Cell, will be able to generate electricity, hydrogen and heat.

Normally, hydrogen is delivered to the charging stations in high pressure tanks, but tri-gen fuel cells will produce hydrogen on-site, reducing transportation costs.

Doosan Fuel Cell will supply the systems to SK Energy, which will refine the hydrogen generated from the system to 99.97 percent purity, which is the level needed for hydrogen vehicles.

Tri-gen fuel cell systems deployed at charging stations will also provide electricity to households and buildings nearby.

Doosan Fuel Cell said in a statement

Utilizing the fuel cell system as dispersed generation will help the profitability of hydrogen charging stations.

Establishment of hydrogen chargers in Korea has been slow due to the high cost of maintaining them. There have been 117 units established this year, and the target is for 180 units for full-year 2021.

Doosan and SK Energy hope the new type of charging stations will help speed up the establishment of hydrogen chargers in Korea.

Doosan Fuel Cell plans to complete development of tri-gen fuel cell systems by the end of the year and start construction of the new type of hydrogen chargers with SK Energy as early as next year. Thanks for keeping up to date at Hydrogen Central.

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Doosan Fuel Cell and SK Energy to rollout tri-gen hydrogen chargers, October 28, 2021

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