Hydrogen Central

e1 Air Unveils Affordable and Clean On-site Hydrogen Production and Electrical Charging for Aviation

Hydrogen Production electrical charging

e1 Air Unveils Affordable and Clean On-site Hydrogen Production and Electrical Charging for Aviation.

e1 Air (www.e1air.com), a leader in sustainable aviation solutions, has reached a significant milestone in hydrogen production. Leveraging its proprietary on-site methanol-to-hydrogen production technology, the firm can offer hydrogen in reasonable quantity for less than $5 per kilogram right at the point of use. At a time when hydrogen hovers at $35 per kilogram in markets such as Southern California, e1 Air’s solution will provide economies and force price stability to accelerate aviation sector adoption. 

e1 Air’s breakthrough achievement underscores the firm’s commitment to supplying clean and affordable energy solutions for the aviation industry. By converting methanol feedstock into 99.99% pure hydrogen directly and on-demand at airports, e1 Air is revolutionizing the way hydrogen is distributed for aviation markets. Using methanol and water as the hydrogen carrier bypasses the high costs of transporting gaseous or liquified hydrogen. Methanol, a simple alcohol, packs more hydrogen by volume than even liquid hydrogen. It is reformed on-site to generate hydrogen. 

This e1 Air technology also allows for clean mobile electricity generation that can be used to charge airport ground service equipment. Delivery of mobile electricity generation on-demand is both novel and unique. 

Michael Dyment, Chairman of e1 Air, said:

This achievement represents a major step forward in our mission to transform the aviation industry.

“With hydrogen offered at below $5/kg, we are poised to make this a competitive and sustainable fuel option for aircraft and ground transportation. This is a near-term, clean, and mobile solution for airports’ overburdened electricity capacity.” 

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

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