Hydrogen Central

Elessent Clean Technologies Unveils Brink® Ezsep™ Solution For Green Hydrogen Producers

green hydrogen producers

Elessent Clean Technologies Unveils Brink® Ezsep™ Solution For Green Hydrogen Producers.

Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent) is proud to announce the launch of the Brink® ezSEP™ high-efficiency separation system poised to set new standards of separation and purification excellence in green hydrogen production. Elessent’s state-of-the-art equipment for this industry, now installed in over 3 gigawatts of green hydrogen projects, recovers over 99% of liquid from the product gas streams, minimizing makeup water and electrolyte and maximizing the purification unit’s efficiency and performance. Utilizing Brink® ezSEP™ results in lower maintenance costs and reduced renewable energy usage.

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