Hydrogen Central

Enagás and Cear Join Forces to Develop a 30 MW Green Hydrogen Plant in Aragon

Enagás cear green hydrogen plant

Enagás and Cear join forces to develop a 30 MW green hydrogen plant in Aragon.

Enagás, through its subsidiary Enagás Renovable, and the Compañía Energética Aragonesa de Renovables (Cear) will jointly develop in Aragon a project that will develop up to 103 megawatts of electricity from the hybridization of solar and wind energy and another 30 megawatts of electrolysis for the production of green hydrogen, both companies reported.

The two companies have stated that the project fits “perfectly” with their commitment to the development of new energy solutions that allow them to contribute to the decarbonisation objectives of the European Union and move towards a more sustainable energy model.

Enagás highlights that it is developing 55 renewable gas projects in Spain, 34 of them related to green hydrogen and 21 to biomethane, in which it collaborates with around 60 partners.

It also ensures that its strategy focuses on three main lines: renewable gases and their integration into existing gas infrastructures, promoting new uses of gas in sectors such as transport and energy efficiency to optimize resources and reduce emissions. Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.

Cear highlights that the project in collaboration with Enagás means “taking a further step in the materialization of its strategy for implementing innovative projects” and also in its contribution to the development of green hydrogen for the decarbonisation of certain industrial sectors.

Enagás and Cear join forces to develop a green hydrogen plant in Aragon, December 12, 2021

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