Hydrogen Central

Europe to reach 2.7 GW of hydrogen electrolyzer capacity by 2025, Delta-EE

europe hydrogen electrolyzer capacity

Europe to reach 2.7 GW of hydrogen electrolyzer capacity by 2025, Delta-EE.

In their latest whitepaper, Shining the light on clean hydrogen, Delta-EE discusses the forces driving today’s hydrogen market, as well as the way forward for market creation.

Delta-EE presents answers to the following four questions

1. Clean hydrogen: what’s driving the excitement?

For years hydrogen was on the edges of the energy transition. In the last few years, it has appeared on the main stage. Why? And will it stay there? Check out their whitepaper to learn more

2. Will hydrogen stay on the main stage of the energy transition?

In short, yes. But the size of its presence is hotly debated, with some very different views.

3. What is the market for clean hydrogen today?

In short, there is hardly a market at all for clean hydrogen today. Demand for clean hydrogen needs to be created. Download the white paper.

One of the main takeaways here is:

“Our pipeline estimates cumulative capacity since 2011 reaches 2.7 GW by 2025 – some way below the European Union’s target of 6 GW by 2024, but with time still for more projects to be added”

4. The way forward: market creation is the key

Market creation entails risk, uncertainty and challenge. It’s about developing demand that doesn’t necessarily exist today. Demand, storage and distribution, and production need to be developed together. Potential customers need to be nurtured, comforted and given the
confidence to move forward.

According to Delta-EE: Hydrogen has entered the main stage of the energy transition and in our opinion it will now remain on the stage as the energy transition accelerates. Hydrogen has a clear role to play in many applications and will complement electrification in a more joined up energy system. The size and scope of hydrogen’s role relative to electrification remains uncertain. The development of clean hydrogen markets, and the role of hydrogen in the energy transition will be a focus for Delta-EE’s ongoing research.

To learn more about how Delta-EE’s Global Hydrogen Intelligence Service and bespoke consultancy can support you, visit https://www.delta-ee.com/hydrogen or contact andy.bradley@delta-ee.com.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

About Delta-EE
Delta-EE is a leading European research and consultancy company providing insight into the energy transition. Our focussed research services include Connected Home, Electrification of Heat, Electric Vehicles, New Energy Business Models, Digital Customer Engagement and Local Energy Systems. We also provide consultancy for clients including networking companies and policymakers. Delta-EE’s mission is to help our clients successfully navigate the change from ‘old energy’ to new energy.

Shining the light on clean hydrogen, download the whitepaper here

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