Hydrogen Central

FDE and the HECO2 Consortium Dedicated to Clean Hydrogen Production by Plasmalyse Technology, Selected by the Government of Wallonia

FDE and the HECO2 consortium dedicated to clean hydrogen production by plasmalyse technology, selected by the government of Wallonia.

FDE (Euronext : FDE – ISIN : FR0013030152), an independent multi-energy producer with a negative carbon footprint, announces the selection by the Walloon government1 of the HECO2-PLASMALYSE HYBRIDE consortium to promote the use of carbon-free hydrogen in the region’s energy mix by 2050.

This consortium is made up of several leading Belgian and international industrial and research players: FDE’ subsidiary in Belgium named Gazonor Benelux, AGC Glass Europe, GATE2, EDF Luminus, Vanheede Environment Group, the Polytechnic University of Mons (UMONS) and the Materia Nova research center.

HECO2 is a project that aims to build a clean hydrogen production pilot by Hybrid Plasmalysis. This patented technology consists of transforming different sources of methane into clean hydrogen and solid and renewable carbon forms (black carbon, graphite, graphene) without emitting CO2 into the atmosphere.

The final objective is the construction of a plant of 15,000 tons of hydrogen and 45,000 tons of carbon materials at the end of the project, with particular focus to the reduction of direct CO2 emissions from the plant.

This project will also confirm the possibilities of using different local methane sources in Wallonia (Biomethane, mine gas, etc.) and qualify certain qualities of solid carbon produced by this process.

Julien Moulin, Chairman of FDE declared:

The decision of the Walloon government to support this project aimed at producing clean hydrogen from the local resources available in Wallonia is a major step forward for the energy transition of the Region!

“This decision, which is perfectly in line with the ambitious objectives set by the European Union to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, will make it possible to accelerate the promotion of the use of carbon-free hydrogen in the future energy mix of the Region. FDE is therefore very proud to participate in this development. “.

This project is perfectly in line with the Group’s broader development strategy in the Hecosystem of the Greater Region (Grand Est, Wallonia, Luxembourg, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate) focused on providing local energy production ecologically and economically competitive to the inhabitants, industrialists and communities of these areas.

With these new projects, FDE once again demonstrates the Group’s positioning as a leading player in the circular economy of the territories to further reduce their carbon footprint and resilience.

Next announcement:
July 20th, 2023 – FY 2023 revenues

About La Française de l’Énergie

FDE is an independent multi-energy producer with a negative carbon footprint, dedicated to developing energy production sites using local resources . FDE supplies local consumers with gas, electricity and heat, thus replacing imported energy with local, cleaner energy. FDE has strong development potential and aims to become a leading independent player in the energy sector in Europe.

More information available on www.francaisedelenergie.fr

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FDE and the HECO2 Consortium Dedicated to Clean Hydrogen Production by Plasmalyse Technology, Selected by the Government of Wallonia, PONTPIERRE, France, July 5, 2023

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