Federal Chancellor in the ZBT: Hydrogen for the energy system of the future.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Bundestag President Bärbel Bas visited the ZBT to find out about the institute’s activities in hydrogen and fuel cell research.
At the beginning of their visit to Duisburg, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Bundestag President Bärbel Bas visited the ZBT. At the affiliated institute of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), they learned about the current status of hydrogen and fuel cell research. On the hydrogen test field of the ZBT, in various laboratories and in discussions with ZBT scientists, the two politicians gained an overview of the high-tech infrastructure and the aspects of the ramp-up of a sustainable hydrogen economy.
In the sealing laboratory, Bas and Scholz were able to learn about the influence of ZBT research on the production of fuel cell components. Here, computer-controlled seals are applied to bipolar plates – an innovative process developed at the ZBT.
On the hydrogen test field, Scholz was particularly interested in the issues surrounding the development of a high-performance hydrogen infrastructure. He was attentively explained to him the research hydrogen filling station, where the researchers investigate the interaction of all components from storage, compression and cooling to the actual refuelling of the hydrogen.
It was particularly important to the Chancellor to talk to young researchers. And so he discussed in a closed round with scientists and students of the ZBT about opportunities and challenges of the energy transition and about perspectives for the energy supply of the future.
Prof. Harry Hoster, Scientific Director of the ZBT, is impressed by the depth with which the topic of hydrogen has already arrived at government level.
Prof. Harry Hoster, Scientific Director of the ZBT, said:
The Chancellor sees the hydrogen age as dawning and has a good understanding of the technology ramp-up, and he is aware of the scales of grid conversion.
Dr. Peter Beckhaus, ZBT Managing Director said:
“The visit of the Federal Chancellor is a special honour for us.
“Especially the direct and intensive exchange with the scientists was excellent for both sides and fundamental for the next steps. Only in close cooperation between industry, politics and science can we establish the hydrogen economy in Germany and thus secure substantial employment.”
Federal Chancellor at the ZBT: Hydrogen for the energy system of the future, February 2023