Hydrogen Central

Fraunhofer – Offsh2ore – Hydrogen Production At Sea By PEM Water Electrolysis

hydrogen production pem OffsH2ore

Fraunhofer – OffsH2ore – Hydrogen production at sea by PEM water electrolysis.

Green hydrogen obtained using renewable energy plays a decisive role in achieving climate targets. Hydrogen generated from offshore wind energy can help to meet future hydrogen demand and contribute to the diversification of the hydrogen supply.

In the project “OffsH2ore” a technical concept for an offshore hydrogen production facility in combination with a concept for ship-based transport of compressed hydrogen was developed by the project partners PNE, Silica Verfahrenstechnik, Wystrach, Kongstein, and Fraunhofer ISE.

In addition, concepts regarding the operation, logistics, and facility design were developed and the overall concept was subjected to a techno-economic analysis. Researchers from Fraunhofer ISE have contributed their know-how and their research expertise in the fields of modular PEM electrolysis systems and design of balance of plant components, seawater desalination using the waste heat from electrolysis, power electronics, and techno-economic analysis.

The team has developed a blueprint for a 500 MW offshore hydrogen production platform including a transport concept for compressed hydrogen, accompanied by a detailed technical concept as well as a techno-economic analysis.

They have demonstrated that offshore hydrogen production with PEM water electrolysis is technically and economically feasible and can contribute to the diversification of European hydrogen production.

OffsH2ore – Hydrogen production at sea by PEM water electrolysis, April 28, 2023

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