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Gold Hydrogen Medal For Jorgo Chatzimarkakis from Mission H2 at the World Hydrogen Summit

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Gold Hydrogen Medal For Jorgo Chatzimarkakis from Mission H2 at the World Hydrogen Summit.

It can be called unique. After about 15 illustrious hydrogen predecessors of Dutch origin, the next Dutch hydrogen medal will actually go to a hydrogen leader outside our national borders. And then immediately to a foreigner to the power of three. As a German of Greek origin working in Brussels, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis can call himself a hardcore European.The dynamic and ubiquitous captain of Hydrogen Europe was born 58 years ago in Duisburg. After studying political sciences at the University of Bonn, he did a post-master’s degree at the University of Oxford with none other than Ralf Dahrendorf. Like Dahrendorf, Chatzimarkakis opted for a job at the German Bundestag as a policy officer immediately after his studies in 1993 and then at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The existence as a policy official was soon not enough for Chatzimarkakis. He also wanted to make a difference in a political sense and did this as a member of the German FDP and the European Liberal Democrats and Reform Party, also the Brussels base for Dutch liberal parties VVD and D66. In that capacity, he honored his previous Oxford mentor by founding „The Dahrendorfkreis“, which strives for ‘sustainable liberalism’. In 2016, Chatzimarkakis became the first permanent Secretary General of Hydrogen Europe, a position he holds until today. With verve!In Hydrogen Europe, more than 350 European companies (and all in all 580 members), for whom hydrogen is Chef-Sache, join forces to support global CO2 neutrality by significantly accelerating the European hydrogen economy. An ambition that we fully endorse. Under Jorgo’s leadership, Hydrogen Europe is a successful connector of large and small companies, governments, knowledge institutes and national hydrogen umbrella organizations across the full width of Europe. Jorgo tirelessly travels the international stages to promote the much-needed hydrogen policy, support promising initiatives, strengthen the hydrogen labor market and stimulate further research into hydrogen innovations. Jorgo’s leading role in this gives Hydrogen Europe its widely recognized, trusted and indispensable hydrogen voice, in the Netherlands, in Europe and beyond.Hydrogen Europe publishes an impressive amount of papers, policy priorities, consultations and statements. And, not unimportantly, Hydrogen Europe always manages to effectively get The association’s topics on the political agenda. The influence of Chatzimarkakis et al. on both European hydrogen policy and that of the Member States cannot be underestimated. Hydrogen Europe is also an unmistakable source of information for businesses with ambitions in greening via hydrogen, through white papers, tech descriptions, outlooks and an endless amount of online and offline business talks. A long series of high-quality H2 Talks, podcasts, magazines and knowledge days are appealing witnesses to this. Hydrogen Europe now also has around 50 active business partners in our country, including Hydrogen medalists such as Battolyser and Mission H2 partners such as Gasunie, BDR-Remeha, VOPAK and Shell.In short, Mission H2 is convinced that Hydrogen Europe plays an essential role in the Hydrogen Country Netherlands and in our European Hydrogen Valley. But more importantly, without the active and enthusiastic knowledge and role of Hydrogen Europe, the European hydrogen regulation and hydrogen market would not be where they are today. We think that no one in the hydrogen world will doubt the leading role that Jorgo Chatzimarkakis plays in this.

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Gold Hydrogen Medal For Jorgo Chatzimarkakis from Mission H2 at the World Hydrogen Summit. source

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