Green hydrogen – experts from Brazil, Germany and the US debate clean energy.
Research, strategies and initiatives for the production and use of green hydrogen as a clean energy option will be discussed at the virtual event “The Future is Green Hydrogen – Perpectives from Germany, Brazil and USA.”
Scheduled for April 14, at 1:00 p.m. (BRT), the debate will bring information on strategies, research and production of green hydrogen, an energy source with which Brazil can position itself strategically in the global market, a theme that gains even more relevance at the present time.
The Online Talks organized by the German Center for Science and Innovation (DWIH) São Paulo, with the acronym DSPOT, shed light on pressing topics.
The DSPOT on green hydrogen will discuss trends possibilities in the partnerships between Germany, Brazil and the USA. Hydrogen is considered “green” when its production occurs from renewable sources, which gives Brazil a strategic advantage because of its energy matrix.
Brazil and Germany have been working together to develop a sustainable fuel for use in aviation since 2017.
The Alternative Fuels without Climate Impacts (ProQR) project is a cooperation between the German agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI) and the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).
Not by chance, the virtual panel is moderated by Kristina Kramer, responsible for the Brazil-Germany partnership in giz’s energy sector and DWIH São Paulo coordinator Marcio Weichert.
The DSPOT “The Future is Green Hydrogen – Perspectives from Germany, Brazil and USA”, which will take place in the form of short presentations and moderate chat, will also feature guests José Luís Gonçalves de Almeida, executive manager of SENAI CIMATEC, Brazil; Karsten Pinkwart, a member of Germany’s National Hydrogen Council and deputy director at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) and Sebastian Fendt, president of the Department of Biomass and Renewable Fuels, Germany, and Tanya Peacock, senior director of Government And Policy Affairs at Bloom Energy, USA.
The debate, open to the public and free, will take place in English and Portuguese on YouTube of DWIH São Paulo. Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.
About green hydrogen
Green hydrogen has been considered a key possibility for global decarbonization and compliance with the agreement of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).” The text establishes an overall reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to 2010, and CO2 neutrality by 2050.
Although it is present in water, hydrogen, in order to be used as an energy source, needs to be separated from a process called electrolysis that in turn requires the use of energy. All the more important that the energy used to produce more energy is renewable.
According to a study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), the current cost of green hydrogen could drop from about $6 per pound to one or two dollars per pound by 2030.
Germany, which has invested heavily in the last decades in cutting-edge renewable technologies, especially wind and solar, is trying to further distance itself from fossil fuels, especially Russian gas and oil, and Brazil can position itself as a strategic partner in this area.
In 2021, Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research, with the acronym BMBF, opened a call for researchers around the world interested in conducting studies on green hydrogen in Germany. The expectation is that more edicts on this theme will be made available in the coming years.
Green hydrogen: experts from Brazil, Germany and the U.S. discuss clean energy, SAO PAULO, April 13, 2022