Hydrogen Central

H2Cool Prelude, Consortium for Refrigerated Transport with Hydrogen Trucks

H2Cool Prelude hydrogen trucks

The H2Cool Prelude project researches how hydrogen and fuel cell technology can be used in the future for refrigerated trucks transports in order to achieve positive effects on the environment.

The aim of the project are concepts for avoiding fossil fuels as well as reducing or even avoiding harmful emissions: greenhouse gases, air pollutants, noise.

A discontinued model: the transport of goods using fuel from fossil fuels, because hydrogen is considered to be the fuel of the future. In the project, many aspects that are essential for the development and successful implementation of hydrogen technology in frozen goods are examined.

The project significantly supports environmentally friendly and resource-saving technology development and testing. H2Cool Prelude thus helps to combat climate change, environmental pollution and excessive consumption of resources.

The results of H2Cool Prelude are then to be implemented as part of an implementation project with the retrofitting of a refrigerated truck.

Dr. Nils Meyer-Larsen, project manager, ISL:

The application of fuel cell and hydrogen technology for deep-freeze transports is an extremely innovative research approach, which at the same time offers a particularly high potential for application solutions

“The power supply of the cooling unit by the fuel cell of the tractor or the self-sufficient operation of the cooling unit by hydrogen while the trailer is parked also help to comprehensively avoid environmentally harmful emissions.”

Thorsten Heitland, Head of SMC Logistics, FRoSTA AG:

FRoSTA AG has been working intensively on the issues of climate and CO2 since 2008.

“Through the use of refrigeration systems with heat recovery and other measures, we have been able to achieve significant savings in consumption and CO2 emissions in all plants in recent years”

“With H2Cool Prelude we want to further improve our carbon footprint and become more sustainable in the transport of our goods.”

Ulf Brussels, Managing Director, Brussels & Maass Logistik GmbH, adds:

We want to change the economy through ecological and socially sustainable action. We emit 4,000 tons of CO2 every year – that is one of the main levers we want to use.

“There are currently no series-ready hydrogen trucks available – that is why, as a partner of H2Cool Prelude, we would like to take up this aspect and be there from the start with alternative drives with hydrogen. “

The consortium includes the research institutions ISL and Hochschule Bremerhaven, the company akquinet port consulting GmbH and the association H2BX – Hydrogen for the Region Bremerhaven eV As part of the project, the end users of the project are the forwarding agency Brussels & Maass Logistik GmbH and the well-known frozen food group FRoSTA AG as well as the company Clean Logistics, which converts existing trucks to climate-friendly hydrogen hybrid drives, is involved in developing and validating technical, ecological, economic, legal and safety-related concepts.

The project is funded by the Applied Environmental Research (AUF) funding program of the Bremen Senator for Climate Protection, Environment, Mobility, Urban Development and Housing Construction with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

H2Cool Prelude – Cooler Transport mit Wasserstoff-LKW, 12.03.2021 [in German]

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