H2U Technologies announces Mark Mcgough as new CEO to lead commercialization of PGM-free PEM electrolyzers for green hydrogen production.
H2U Technologies, Inc. (H2U) announced that Mark McGough has joined the company as President and Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. McGough has a long and successful track record commercializing new energy technologies, including introduction of the ultracapacitor as a new class of energy storage technology while President of Maxwell’s Advanced Energy Storage business, and as CEO and commercialization leader of fast growth startups like Ioxus, Energetics and Pentadyne Power.
H2U is developing the world’s lowest cost PEM electrolyzer, the Gramme50, designed specifically for producing the lowest levelized cost green hydrogen, to enable scaling of the Hydrogen Economy.
H2U’s key enabling technologies for achieving and maintaining low CAPEX are H2U’s proprietary low cost earth abundant non-PGM catalysts, and its disruptive PEM design which allows for easy upgrades to the catalyst/MEA as H2U continuously improves it’s Platinum and Iridium replacements.
“Green Hydrogen” is the new highly anticipated energy source for decarbonizing the global economy. Green hydrogen is made from renewable energy sources like solar and wind generation, and PEM electrolyzers, which produce hydrogen, are ideally suited for pairing with such resources.
Green hydrogen offers the ability to inexpensively store renewable electricity at grid scale for long periods of time, as well as the ability to serve as a carbon free fuel for heavy transportation such as ships, aircraft, trains and trucks – a clear advantage over battery storage.
Mark McGough, the new President and CEO of H2U Technologies.
I am thrilled to join H2U Technologies – the best science team in this business – and equally excited to lead commercialization of the unique H2U catalyst and electrolyzer product sets that address a key barrier to scaling the Hydrogen Economy.
“H2U has the world’s fastest electrocatalyst discovery capability, and we have already demonstrated the ability to produce hydrogen with full replacement of expensive iridium catalyst materials. Also, H2U’s novel low cost electrolyzer design, fitted with our new PGM-free catalysts, will begin customer demonstrations in mid 2022.”
Nathan Lewis, CalTech Professor and H2U Co-Founder adds,
I couldn’t be more pleased to welcome Mark onto our team.
“I founded H2U with the vision of a clean energy future, and we have just hired a highly successful, proven executive with the experience and capabilities to lead us to a realization of that vision.” Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.
About H2U Technologies, Inc.
H2U Technologies is a developer of new catalysts used for the electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The company also develops a grid-scale PEM electrolyzer, the Gramme 50.
The technology underpinning H2U Technologies’ products is based on 10 years of research and development funded by the U.S. Department of Energy through Caltech’s Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP). For more information, visit h2utechnologies.com.
READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central
H2U Technologies Announces New CEO to Lead Commercialization of PGM-free PEM Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Production, Los Angeles, December 20, 2021