Hydrogen Central

Hopium and Saint-Gobain Sekurit sign a Partnership to Develop the Windows of the Machina, Hydrogen High-End Car

hopim machina hydrogen car

Hopium and Saint-Gobain Sekurit sign a partnership to develop the windows of the Machina, hydrogen high-end car.

French automaker Hopium announces the signing of a partnership with Saint-Gobain Sekurit, a global reference in automotive glass manufacturing, to co-develop the windows of the Hopium Machina, its high-end hydrogen-powered sedan model.

This new large-scale industrial cooperation is part of the manufacturer’s ambition to build the future of mobility, by bringing together pioneering companies, true leaders in their sector, with recognized know-how and expertise.

Hopium intends to rely on saint-Gobain Sekurit’s experience to provide innovative solutions that combine design, safety, thermal and acoustic comfort to create the best user experience on all the vehicle’s glass surfaces.

Olivier Lombard, CEO and founder of Hopium.

We are proud to be able to collaborate with a major player in French industrial heritage, as part of the development of the Hopium Machina.

“We share with the Saint-Gobain Sekurit teams, this same taste for innovation and the desire to explore future solutions to push the limits of technology”

Tim Jurkowski, VP Sales, Marketing & Projects at Saint-Gobain Sekurit.

“Saint-Gobain Sekurit is delighted to support Hopium, a French start-up committed to green mobility.

“Saint-Gobain is pursuing its objective of reducing the Group’s environmental impact, which is reflected in particular in solutions adapted to more sustainable mobility.”

The process already underway between the two entities should lead to the presentation in the course of 2022 of the first pre-industrialization vehicles of the Hopium Machina. Thanks for keeping up to date with Hydrogen Central.

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Hopium et Saint-Gobain Sekurit signent un partenariat pour développer les vitrages de la Machina, PARIS, October 21, 2021

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