Hoyer Group, Hydrogen, a carrier of the future.
As a clean energy carrier, green hydrogen is a key to many countries and continental communities achieving climate neutrality. Thus the European Union, the United States, Canada, Argentina and Japan, among others, want to be climate-neutral by 2050, and China has set itself this aim by 2060. Global demand for hydrogen will rise significantly in the coming years, and will affect the infrastructure.
As an international logistics specialist with over 40 years of experience in handling and transporting hydrogen, the HOYER Group is equipped for this development in the best possible way. The supplier of comprehensive logistics solutions is regarded in the sector as an expert in handling this demanding product.
Hydrogen (H2) is already used as a heating and engine fuel, and as a raw material. In all these respects, one hydrogen is not the same as another: colour codes indicate the production process, which can also be based on fossil energy sources. Currently, this is still the most usual process. Only so-called green hydrogen produced by using renewable energies to electrolyse water counts as emission-free.
A distinction is also made when providing hydrogen for onward distribution and use. Thus H2 can be transported as a gas compressed under high pressure (Compressed Gaseous Hydrogen, GH2), or as hydrogen cryogenically liquefied at -253°C (Liquid Hydrogen, LH2). Both states of aggregation impose high demands on people and equipment to transport or store it safely.
Many of the world’s countries have developed a hydrogen strategy that provides for, among other things, the expansion and new building of plants to generate green energy. Moreover, a few countries in Northern Europe, Africa, North and South America and Australia are striving towards an export strategy for hydrogen.
In the case of the regional production of hydrogen, transport logistics are carried out in most cases via road transport using special equipment. The HOYER Group has around 100 operational trucks on the road on a daily basis for its customers in the present European core market, and serves both GH2 deliveries and LH2 logistics.
Anna Krüger, Head of Business Development Gas Logistics in the HOYER Group explains:
At the moment, under contract to our gas customers, we deliver mainly to the chemical industry.
“However, we assume that foreseeably the transport sector will catch up, and our service station logistics will come into greater use.”
As a provider of comprehensive logistics solutions, HOYER has a forward-looking planning system for service station operators. The expertise for advance planning supply logistics applies equally to hydrogen logistics.
Krüger adds: “Our drivers are trained for specific products. Handling GH2 and LH2 certainly counts as one of the supreme disciplines among gases. We rightly have an excellent reputation based on our many years of experience, our intensive training policy and our high safety standards.”
The HOYER portfolio of services comprises not only processing transport but also fleet management, including servicing and maintaining the highly-specialised equipment, loading and unloading concepts (Drop & Swap) and leasing options, supply chain optimising and project development.
Whereas employing hydrogen as a supplier of heat and in energy systems is also being discussed with regard to the future, it is already clear that using H2 will be a critical success factor to decarbonise industry and transport.
Björn Schniederkötter, Chief Executive Officer of the HOYER Group, says:
We look forward to this development with excitement.
“Many changes lie ahead through the increased use of hydrogen, which we can and will accompany and support through our know-how. We see this market as one of our central growth areas, and we are ready for it.”
The HOYER Group, thanks to its international presence, is in a position to respond globally and flexibly to changed demands, and has already given proof of this in the past.
READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central
Hydrogen, a carrier of the future, Hamburg, 28 July 2021