Hydrogen Central

Humber hydrogen facility plans move forward

hydrogen facility plans

Humber hydrogen facility plans move forward.

A proposed Humber green hydrogen production facility has moved forward with the submission of a planning application.

Meld Energy announced last year that it had selected px Group’s Saltend Chemicals Park (SCP) as the site for the facility.

The company has now submitted an outline planning application to East Riding of Yorkshire Council for development on the Reedmere plot at the park.

Hydrogen would be produced at the facility through an electrolysis process, which involves using electricity to split water (H2O) into its constituent elements.

The hub would produce up to 100MW of ‘Green’ Hydrogen for use by businesses based at Saltend Chemicals Park.

It could reduce the carbon footprint of the SCP site by 20 per cent and produce 13,400 tonnes of green hydrogen per year.

Jobs are expected to be created during construction and once the plant is operational.

A planning statement submitted as part of the application said:

The proposed development will support both the local and national economy through direct and indirect employment opportunities and support the implementation of green industries to help reduce climate change effects and thus help the UK Government to meet its Net Zero targets.

Subject to approval, construction is scheduled to begin in 2026 and is due to be completed in 2028.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Humber hydrogen facility plans move forward. source

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