Hydrogen Central

Hydrogen withdrawal a major blow for Gladstone’s economic future

hydrogen economic future

Hydrogen withdrawal a major blow for Gladstone’s economic future

The Queensland Government’s shift away from renewable energy risks jobs and is a major blow to the future of Gladstone’s economy, according to the Queensland Conservation Council (QCC).

The State Government has withdrawn support for the CQ-H2 hydrogen project, flagged their intention to repeal Queensland’s renewable energy targets, and has no energy plan to drive new energy investment.

Queensland Conservation Council campaigner and energy expert Stephanie Gray said,

Gladstone has all the right ingredients to secure a prosperous future in renewable hydrogen production and clean manufacturing, but the State Government’s policy uncertainty is putting that at risk.

“New and existing industry are calling out for firmed renewable energy to underpin their operations. Rio Tinto has consistently said they need to repower their Gladstone aluminium operations with renewable energy backed by storage to be globally competitive.”

Companies are looking at producing green iron in Gladstone using renewable hydrogen. Those plans can’t feasibly proceed without a local supply of hydrogen.

The State Government’s continued attacks on renewable energy and clean industry are jeopardising regional jobs and derailing new industries setting up shop in Central Queensland.

Responsible governments look beyond their term of government and plan for the future. Politicians that are trying to derail investment in renewable energy and new clean manufacturing industries are sabotaging the future of regional Queensland communities.

Fossil fuels are a finite resource that our communities can’t rely on forever. Investing in Queensland’s natural advantage in renewable energy and new clean manufacturing industries is our chance for security and long-term prosperity.

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Hydrogen withdrawal a major blow for Gladstone’s economic future, source

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