Hydrogen Central

Province Resources – Hyenergy ™ Green Hydrogen Project Awarded Lead Agency Status by The Western Australian Government

hyenergy green hydrogen project

HyEnergy ™ green hydrogen project awarded lead agency status by the Western Australian Government.

The Western Australian Government has awarded the HyEnergy™ Project lead agency status, which recognises the development as a significant project which is in the State’s interest.

The official status allows for a higher level of facilitation to be coordinated by a nominated State agency, in this case the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation.

It follows the lodging of a Project Definition Document with the department which outlines key details of the project and its proponents.

Province Resources has teamed up with leading French renewable Independent Power Producer Total Eren to complete the scoping studies and to potentially develop the HyEnergy™ Project, with a scoping study into the 8 GW development now close to being completed.

Hydrogen Industry Minister Alannah MacTiernan announced the lead agency status at a ceremony on Saturday 18 December 2021 to open Province Resources’ new Carnarvon office, which will support the development of the HyEnergy™ Project.

Ms MacTiernan said.

Lead Agency Status recognises the very real significance of Province’s HyEnergy Project as we position WA as a global renewable hydrogen force.

“This will deliver to the project access to coordinated and streamlined Government support.”

“We look forward to continuing to work with Province on this opportunity for the Gascoyne region and for our State.”

Also attending the office opening were representatives of the Yinggarda (Ingaarda) and Baiyungu people, who hold native title over the majority of the project area. They were joined by representatives of the Shire of Carnarvon and the Carnarvon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.


  • HyEnergy™ green hydrogen project awarded lead agency status by the Western Australian Government
  • Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) to lead the project facilitation
  • HyEnergy™ Project will benefit from the appointment of a JTSI lead manager to help guide the development through government approval processes

HyEnergy™ Project Awarded Lead Agency Status, December 20, 2021

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