„HyModule ® S8“ enables green energy on demand: Follow-up order from GKN Hydrogen for 15 Proton Motor systems
Premium fuel cell supplier Proton Motor has received a follow-up order from GKN Hydrogen Italy S.r.l. for an additional 15 HyModule® S8 hydrogen fuel cell systems. The “HyModule® S8” system is an emission-free high-tech product from the Hy-brand portfolio for stationary applications and is designed for the autonomous provision of energy and heat. Taking into account previous orders, GKN Hydrogen has now ordered 46 “HyModule® S8” hydrogen fuel cell systems in total from Proton Motor.
“HyModule® S8” to be integrated in “HY2” energy systems
GKN Hydrogen is part of GKN, the Aerospace, Automotive and Powder Metallurgy international business controlled by Melrose Industries plc. GKN Hydrogen integrates the Proton Motor technology in its HY2 energy systems respectively is deploying the green sustainable power plant “HY2” based on renewable resources in its own facilities and with its customers in the residential, industrial and transportation sectors.
Applications of the “HY2” metal hydride storage solution include IT back-up systems, off-grid power generation and plug-in electric car charging station.
Caption (teaser): According to the company, GKN Hydrogen has saved 12,500 tons of CO2 in 2022 with the new hydrogen storage solution based on metal hydride. To date, 15 fully functional “HY2” energy systems have been shipped to three continents worldwide for installation, as shown here the GKN container en route to Australia`s Outback_(c) GKN Hydrogen_Oct. 2021_Jan. 2023
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„HyModule® S8“ enables green energy on demand: Follow-up order from GKN Hydrogen for 15 Proton Motor systems, February 1, 2023