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Ireland – Germany eyes up Shannon Estuary for Ambitious 2030 Hydrogen Vision

shannon estuary hydrogen vision

Ireland – Germany eyes up Shannon Estuary for ambitious 2030 hydrogen vision.

GERMANY’S full-throttle plans to become a ‘hydrogen republic’ by 2030 might yet become inextricably linked with the economic future of this republic – in particular the Shannon Estuary.

The powerful state at the heart of the EU has a budget of €9billion to splash as it achieves its hugely ambitious dream of becoming a ‘hyrdrogen economy’ by 2030.

And based on the positive response of Germany’s Innovation Commissioner for Green Hydrogen Stefan Kaufmann, also a member of the Bundestag parliament in Germany, to everything he witnessed on a visit to Foynes this week, Kerry and West Limerick could become central to the German plan.

Dr Kaufman visited the deep-water port at the weekend to get, as he said, a ‘deeper understanding’ of the potential for developing the Shannon Estuary as a major landing zone for the green fuel – hyrdrogen produced entirely ‘greenly’ by offshore wind turbines.


Visit of Germany’s Innovation Commissioner for Green Hydrogen to Foynes seen as ‘significant’ endorsement of vision for the Estuary as a leading international renewables energy hub,

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Germany eyes up Shannon Estuary for ambitious 2030 hydrogen vision, October 12, 2021

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