Hydrogen Central

ITM Power Contract Award Towards 100MW Project In Germany

ITM Power germany

ITM Power contract award towards 100MW project in Germany.

ITM announce the award of a contract for the procurement of long lead-time materials and components required for the manufacturing of our state-of-the-art MEP30 skids for a 100MW project in Germany.

ITM is delighted to announce the award of a contract for the procurement of long lead-time materials and components required for the manufacturing of our state-of-the-art MEP30 skids for a 100MW project in Germany.

 The Final Investment Decision (FID) is aimed to be taken by our customer in 2023.

Dennis Schulz, CEO, said:

This order is an important endorsement of our technology and capability to deliver projects at scale.

“It will be the third 100MW project we are entrusted to execute.”

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ITM Power contract award towards 100MW project in Germany, July 17, 2023

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