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LINE Hydrogen and Bonney Energy Signed Agreement to Develop Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure and Opportunities in Tasmania

LINE Hydrogen Bonney Energy refuelling

LINE Hydrogen and Bonney Energy signed agreement to develop hydrogen refuelling infrastructure and opportunities in Tasmania.

LINE Hydrogen (Australia) Pty Ltd (LINE Hydrogen) and Bonney Energy Pty Ltd (Bonney Energy) have signed an agreement to develop hydrogen refueling infrastructure and opportunities in Tasmania.

LINE Hydrogen and Bonney Energy will work together to develop opportunities to roll out hydrogen refuelling infrastructure utilising the existing Bonney Energy network of service and refueling stations in Tasmania.

Australian owned and operated, Bonney Energy operates throughout Tasmania, as well as metropolitan Melbourne, Western Victoria and Gippsland, Victoria, and is the exclusive distributor of Ampol fuel throughout these regions.

Through Bonney Energy’s extensive network of service stations, on-site refueling services, fuel storage solutions, the two companies are making a green hydrogen-powered, climate-friendly supply chain a reality.

The agreement is the first of its kind announced in Australia and demonstrates LINE Hydrogen’s leading strategies and cross-industry technology solutions which are underpinning the transition to hydrogen, and supported by its key partners, such as Bonney Energy.

Mr Brendan James, Founder and Executive Chairman of LINE Hydrogen said that the development of a hydrogen industry requires a whole of system approach and working together with Bonney Energy will help to close the gap between green hydrogen production and end use.

Mr Brendam James, Founder and Executive Chairman of LINE Hydrogen, said:

When developing our projects, we always take a whole of industry view – looking across the value chain and consider solutions by working with those in the know, and our association with Bonney Energy is important to delivering hydrogen solutions across that value chain.

Bonney Energy CEO, David Miller, said that Bonney Energy brings the history, expertise and opportunity to work with LINE Hydrogen to develop hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in the state.

David Miller, Bonney Energy CEO, said:

We’re pleased to be working with LINE Hydrogen to roll out opportunities in Tasmania, and potentially more broadly.

“Hydrogen will be a significant element that fuels the future of Australia’s supply chain and Bonney Energy is looking to play a key role in that transition. Bonney Energy has a long and proven history of understanding and meeting the needs of our customers, and look forward to continuing that through this opportunity.”

Under the MOU, the Parties will also identify and progress options for distribution of hydrogen from LINE Hydrogen’s initial production plant at George Town in Tasmania, throughout the proposed network including direct delivering to any off-takers and will also investigate the most appropriate methods of storage and distribution of hydrogen.

“Fundamental to any transition is to work with the end-user”, said Mr James. “It is by working with Bonney Energy on a distribution and public refuelling transition that we will deliver end users with the options they need.”

“Australia’s transition to green hydrogen as a deliverable fuel is not something we can achieve on our own. It is by working with forward thinking and innovative partners that we can achieve change at the local, national and international level”, said Mr James.

The new partnership comes off the heels of the 2022 budget, which saw the Labor government commit $5.5M to LINE as part of their Tasmanian funding initiatives, confirming a hydrogen-powered future for Australia and creating hundreds of new job opportunities.

Originally announcing his support for LINE on the campaign trail in May, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese explained “hydrogen has enormous potential, and over time LINE could build at least five hydrogen refuelling stations in Tasmania, creating jobs right across the state.”

It is expected that the project will be launched alongside LINE Hydrogen beginning production out of the Bell Bay Solar Farm in Tasmania in early 2023.

LINE Hydrogen and Bonney Energy delivering first in hydrogen infrastructure, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA, October 2022

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