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Metro explores hydrogen fuel cell buses to reduce emissions – King County

hydrogen fuel cell buses emissions

Metro explores hydrogen fuel cell buses to reduce emissions – King County.

King County Metro will explore adding up to four hydrogen fuel cell buses as early as 2026 as part of a pilot project. These zero-emission buses provide extended range, run on hydrogen and emit only water vapor. Seeing how hydrogen fuel cell buses perform will inform if Metro uses them to complement its battery-electric and trolley buses.

Metro is a global transit leader on sustainability and is moving toward a 100% zero-emission fleet. The hydrogen fuel cell bus pilot project has the potential to benefit riders, reduce local air pollution and help tackle global climate change.

Michelle Allison, King County Metro General Manager, said:

While still delivering everyday, high-quality service to our riders, we’re also leading the way to a zero-emissions future.

“We’re partnering with public entities across our region, encouraging private contractors to develop technologies, and learning and sharing each step of the way.”

Metro was the first public transit agency in North America to adopt diesel-hybrid buses in 2004. In 2020, the agency retired its last diesel-only buses. Forty battery-electric buses from New Flyer started entering service in 2022, with another 89 scheduled to begin arriving in 2026 from GILLIG. Consequently, Metro’s employees are well-equipped in developing, implementing and managing fleets with advanced technologies. The hydrogen fuel cell bus pilot offers yet another opportunity for current and future Metro employees to gain valuable knowledge and skills.

While battery-electric buses have an expected range of 140 miles for a 60-foot bus and 220 miles for a 40-foot bus, Metro and other transit agencies have experienced range limitations and variability, especially in cold weather. Hydrogen fuel cell buses have the potential to travel up to 300 miles and their extended range has particular promise on all-day, frequent routes.

Metro’s battery-electric buses and charging infrastructure are a frequent destination for fact-finding visits by other transit agencies and private contractors. Sustainability is also a major component of the agency’s planning for current and future facilities—such as the Interim Bus Base that broke ground earlier this year.

In 2022, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recognized Metro as the nation’s most equitable agency in tackling climate change. Earlier this year, the RapidRide H Line won the Envision Platinum award from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Metro explores hydrogen fuel cell buses to reduce emissions – King County. source

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