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NXT Mobility Expands Energy Hub in Alkmaar with Hydrogen Tank Installation

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NXT Mobility expands Energy Hub in Alkmaar with hydrogen tank installation.

The NXT filling station at the Boekelermeer business park in Alkmaar has been expanded with a hydrogen refuelling installation. This makes the first hydrogen filling station of the North Holland provider of sustainable mobility solutions a fact. In the coming months, the new tank installation will be extensively tested with its own vehicles.

After the summer, the official opening is on the program. From then on, all hydrogen vehicles, both trucks and buses (350 bar) and passenger cars (700 bar), will be able to refuel hydrogen at this location.

 The opening of the first hydrogen filling station is an important milestone for NXT Mobility, which is part of GP Groot, emphasizes director Erik Metselaar.

Erik Metselaar, director said:

Although there are currently more than 4,100 filling stations in the Netherlands, the number of places where hydrogen can be refueled is still very limited.

“The realization of this hydrogen location is therefore an important step, not only for our own NXT concept, but for the entire region. Our goal is to offer a variety of sustainable fuels and energy at our filling stations. Hydrogen plays an important role in this mix.”

Recent figures from BOVAG (Filling Station in Figures 2023) show that only 15 hydrogen locations are operational in the Netherlands. The goal of the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management is to have at least 2025 hydrogen filling stations in the Netherlands by 50. Especially for heavy transport – including for trucks and buses – hydrogen is an interesting option. Hydrogen vehicles emit no air polluting emissions or greenhouse gases.

The only residual product is water vapor. The range of the trucks and buses is also considerably greater than that of battery-electric alternatives. And refueling takes no more than a few minutes, which saves a significant amount of time compared to charging batteries.

Green hydrogen

In October last year, NXT Mobility and sister company GP Groot inzameling signed a covenant with sixty other parties to accelerate the development of a comprehensive network of hydrogen locations in the province of Noord-Holland. At NXT Energy Hub Alkmaar, hydrogen produced in the region will eventually be sold. To this end, NXT Mobility has joined forces with HYGRO, which will produce green hydrogen in the Wieringermeer using a wind turbine.

The project in Alkmaar is being carried out under the DKTI transport scheme of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. One of the components of the project is a pilot with various hydrogen vehicles to gain experience with driving on hydrogen.

During the first period, only vehicles that are part of the subsidised project may refuel hydrogen at the site. “Driving on hydrogen is still in full development,” explains Erik Metselaar.

“That is why we first test what driving on hydrogen means in practice during the pilot. In this way, we open the door to more hydrogen vehicles on the road. Not only because we will soon have practical experience with driving on hydrogen and that we can advise our customers on this, but also because we solve the chicken-and-egg problem around driving on hydrogen.”

Stimulating the transition to sustainable mobility

“As long as there are no hydrogen filling stations, no hydrogen vehicles will be sold. And if no hydrogen vehicles are sold, no hydrogen filling stations will be built. That is why we are developing our own hydrogen network. In this way, we give companies the opportunity to start driving on hydrogen and we stimulate the transition to sustainable mobility.”

To make the energy transition possible, cleaner fuels and energy products are needed. With a network of Energy Hubs, NXT Mobility tries to make these cleaner alternatives available locally. The Energy Hub in Alkmaar is a perfect example of this. In addition to hydrogen, (bio)LNG and the low-CO2 diesel alternative Neste MY Renewable Diesel are available at this location. There will soon also be fast chargers for electric trucks, further expanding the range.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

NXT Mobility expands Energy Hub in Alkmaar with hydrogen refuelling installation, May 2, 2023

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