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Obayashi – Successfully Demonstrated Marine Transportation of Green Hydrogen Produced in New Zealand and its Utilization in Fiji

Green Hydrogen Produced in

Obayashi – Successfully Demonstrated Marine Transportation of Green Hydrogen Produced in New Zealand and its Utilization in Fiji

OBAYASHI CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenji Hasuwa), together with its group company Halcyon Power Limited (“Halcyon Power”) and a local energy supplier Fiji Gas Pte Ltd (“Fiji Gas”), has realized success in a demonstration project (the “Demonstration Project”) to ship geothermal-derived green hydrogen produced in New Zealand (“NZ”) to the Republic of Fiji (“Fiji”) and utilized it for fuel for a hydrogen/diesel dual-fuel generator (“DF generator”). The electricity generated by the generator was used to power buildings on-site.

The Company conducted the Demonstration Project selected for the Ministry of the Environment Japan’s “FY2022 Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Financing Support Programme: Pilot project for comprehensive support throughout the whole hydrogen supply chain abroad”(*1), as an initiative to contribute to Japan’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target.

As the representative participant of the Demonstration Project, the Company managed the overall project, conducted field surveys, transported green hydrogen by sea, supported the installation of the DF generator at Fiji Gas, and ultimately confirmed the feasibility of marine transportation and utilization of green hydrogen.

For Halcyon Power, which has been working on establishing a hydrogen supply chain domestically since its opening of NZ’s first megawatt-class hydrogen production plant in December 2021, it was the first attempt to export green hydrogen outside of NZ. To ensure safe marine transport, hydrogen gas filled in cylinders(*2) was shipped in compliance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations, including preparation of a Dangerous Goods Declaration.

Green hydrogen was transported from Auckland Port in NZ to Lautoka Port in Fiji over a course of a week was utilized as fuel for a DF generator installed at Fiji Gas LPG Lautoka Terminal. The generator successfully supplied electricity by adjusting the hydrogen flow rate to align with the facility’s electricity demand.

The Company will keep contributing to realizing a carbon-neutral society through further promoting the social implementation and deployment of green hydrogen in collaboration with domestic and international stakeholders.

A subsidized demonstration project in which hydrogen derived from renewable energy is produced in third-party countries rich in renewable energy and is transported to and utilized in JCM Partner countries, aiming to reduce Japan’s greenhouse gas emissions, by promoting the production and utilization of hydrogen derived from renewable energy in cooperation with third-party countries with a view to future ripple effects

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