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Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association Submits Application for US Dept of Energy Regional Hubs Funding

Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association

The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association (PNWH2) submitted its full Funding Opportunity Application to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in a bid to become one of the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Up to approximately $1 billion in federal funding is at stake, with the potential for tens of thousands of jobs associated with a successful hub proposal in the Pacific Northwest.

Gov. Jay Inslee, said:

The Pacific Northwest has a culture of innovation and rich history with clean energy.

“We’re a natural fit for a hydrogen hub to build on that legacy and lead the nation in delivering a hydrogen economy to tackle our climate challenges.”

“This project will bring tens of thousands of jobs to the region across many trades. We have an outstanding public-private partnership, strengthened by the participation of Tribal communities, working in concert to transform and expand our clean energy economy.”

Tina Kotek, Oregon Gov. said in a letter of support:

This transformational opportunity to accelerate development of the nation’s clean energy economy is tailor-made for the Pacific Northwest, where a proud tradition of technological innovation and collaboration in taking on bold challenges is in our nature.

The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association is a multistate coalition that includes Washington, Oregon, and Montana and public and private entities working together to bring clean hydrogen power solutions that leverage the region’s renewable energy sources to market in the coming years to help meet the nation’s clean energy goals.

After initially submitting a concept paper in late 2022, PNWH2 was one of 33 out of 79 proposals nationwide encouraged by DOE to proceed with the full application.

The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub (PNWH2 Hub) will validate the Department of Energy’s vision of a national clean hydrogen network by serving as a vehicle for funding multiple projects that accelerate the transition to clean hydrogen energy production and use.

The PNWH2 Hub concept envisions creating a dynamic Pacific Northwest network of clean, renewable hydrogen suppliers and end-users to decarbonize some of the hardest-to-abate sectors, such as heavy-duty transportation, aviation, maritime, agriculture, and industrial operations.

The PNWH2 Hub’s goal is to exceed the U.S. Department of Energy’s benchmark of 50 to 100 metric tons per day for hydrogen production.

Chris Green, PNWH2 Board Chair and Washington State Department of Commerce Assistant Director said:

It’s exciting to know that the Pacific Northwest continues leading as a clean energy trailblazer to accelerate a net-zero future.

“Hydrogen’s niche is eliminating carbon from the most carbon-intensive sectors of our economy to achieve our climate goals, and the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub is ready for the challenge!”

The PNHW2 Hub will benefit communities throughout the region by focusing on creating economic opportunity across all demographics, resulting in tens of thousands of jobs, improved energy resiliency, and decreased environmental burdens in disadvantaged communities.

Janine Benner, PNWH2 Board Vice Chair and Oregon Department of Energy Director, said:

This hub will help launch a clean hydrogen economy in the Pacific Northwest that can be a model for other parts of the country.

“If done right, it can support an equitable clean energy transition that invests in our communities and improves health and safety for our region’s most vulnerable people.”

This is a highly competitive grant process, with teams from across the U.S. vying for the Department of Energy funding. There are strategic elements in the PNWH2 application that are best kept close to gain every advantage.

Once the hubs are selected and funded by the Department of Energy, additional information will be available regarding the major participants. DOE is expected to make initial decisions around the end of this year, with additional vetting and negotiations to follow until final funding decisions are announced later in 2024.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association Submits Application for US Dept. of Energy Regional Hubs Funding, OLYMPIA, WA, April 6, 2023

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