Hydrogen Central

Petrobras to Invest R$20 Million in Natural Hydrogen Research

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Petrobras to Invest R$20 Million in Natural Hydrogen Research.

Petrobras will invest R$20 million in research into the generation processes and feasibility of extracting natural hydrogen in Brazil. Also known as geological hydrogen, because it is produced inside the planet through different processes, natural hydrogen is considered a potential renewable energy resource whose use does not generate greenhouse gases.
The research work has been taking place since October 2023, initially in the state of Bahia, with plans to carry it out in other states of the country, and follows the guidelines of the 2024-2028+ Strategic Plan.
Petrobras has been training its technical staff for a better understanding of the subject since 2022, promoting actions with the scientific community, such as the first Natural Hydrogen Workshop, held at our Research Centre (Cenpes) in March this year, bringing together scholars from Brazil and abroad. Research and the testing of tools for prospecting natural hydrogen involve partnerships with national and international institutions and companies.
Carlos José do Nascimento Travassos, the director of Engineering, Technology and Innovation, said:

Hydrogen is one of the most promising alternatives for achieving decarbonisation targets.

“As planned in its Strategic Planning, Petrobras is studying the hydrogen value chain with project studies, strategic partnerships focused on the product market and research and development activities. The research studies into natural hydrogen put us at the forefront of analysing the potential of this source in Brazil,”
Petrobras’ investments in research and development for the low-carbon economy by 2028 are expected to total US$ 0.7 billion, rising from 15% of Petrobras’ total R&D investments in 2024 to 30% at the end of the period.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Petrobras to Invest R$20 Million in Natural Hydrogen Research. source

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