Plug Power – After 3 years, the proportion of green hydrogen will reach 60%, SK E&S is the best partner.
[Translated from Korean] The great challenge for humanity from fossil fuels to clean energy and carbon neutrality has begun. carbon neutrality is also the scene of a fierce economic war to take the lead in the new economic ecosystem implemented by clean energy.Ole Hoefelmann, General Manager of Plug Power Electrolyte Solutions, said of plug power’s U.S. green water production goals.
PlugPoweris building the world’s largest greenso infrastructure in the U.S., starting with factories in Georgia and New York.
“While plugpower’s green hydrogen production is still very small, if green hydrogen production increases to 500 tons per day in 2025,the share of green water in plug power hydrogen production is expected to increase to more than 60%.”
Plug Power is a U.S. hydrogen company founded in 1997,which is the only company with hydrogen technology to pursue its own large-scale projects.
Hopalman, General Manager of PlugPower, which aggressively acquired hydrogen companies such as electrolytic and liquefied hydrogen manufacturing companies to preempt the rapidly growing U.S. hydrogen market.
PlugPower acquiredGiner ELXin 2020to advance electrolyte technology, and then acquired United Hydrogen With Liquefied Hydrogen Manufacturing and Distribution Capabilities.
“Based on the acquisitionof Giner ELX, we are currently providing solutions related to electrolytes to the market,” he said, “with the goal of selling more than 100 MW(megawatts) this year,” adding, “PlugPower is using acquired companies to build green water infrastructure at its Georgia and New York plants.
“Plugpower is also expanding its plants to cope with the growing demand for hydrogen production infrastructure, with initial plants scheduled to be completed in Georgia, Pennsylvania and New York, and plans to produce at least 10 to 45tons of green liquefied hydrogen per day, which in the long run could supply more than 500 tons of green hydrogen per day by 2025.”
It also has hydrogen-based mobility business capabilities, such as forklifts and trucks that use hydrogen as fuel. PlugPower virtually monopolizes the entire U.S. hydrogen forklift supply market, including exclusively supplying hydrogen forklifts to global distribution companies such as Amazon and Walmart.
Horpearman, general manager of
PlugPower currently operates more than 165hydrogen charging stations for its customers.
“Most of these charging stations supply liquefied hydrogen.”
“Plug Power has been selected as a supplier of a number of green hydrogen projects, including Egypt(100 MW)and Australia(250 MW)and is working with global partners to develop business opportunities for water and sea,” said Hopalman.
In Asia, sk, which has about 10% stake in PlugPower, joins hands to pre-empt the market. SkCo., Ltd. and SK E&Sinvested about 1.85 trillion won in plug power shares last year. Thanks for staying up to date with Hydrogen Central.
“SK E&Sis the best partner for expanding the Asian hydrogen market with long experience in the energy market,” said Horpealman, General Manager, “Sk E&Sand PlugPower’s joint venture expects to create high synergies.”
Plug power “60% of green water after 3 years… SK E&S is the best partner”, January 3, 2021