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Poseidon Marine H2 Targeting Large Industrial Contracts

poseidon marine h2

Poseidon Marine H2 targeting large industrial contracts.

After signing a partnership with a team of world-class engineers, Poseidon Marine H2 plans to use their hydrogen-powered boat as a proof of concept to secure industrial deals.

Directors are already speaking with major boat manufacturers they have relationships with to form offtake agreements, while they also have plans to target public contracts with defence forces, policing bodies and ferry operators across the world.

To accelerate the process, the Directors will leverage a combined 75 plus years of experience winning international tenders for both large-scale government and private projects across a variety of engineering sectors.

The company intend to use this strategy to fast forward a planned public listing on a major exchange which they expect to happen in February 2024.

With a capital raise currently live on VCEX and limited shares available, you do not want to miss out on getting involved in a seed-level company that has a clear pathway to an IPO.

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