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POWERTAP Onsite Blue Hydrogen Production Using Renewable Natural Gas as Feedstock Makes Hydrogen Greener for Mobility

powertap blue hydrogen production

POWERTAP Onsite Blue Hydrogen Production Using Renewable Natural Gas as Feedstock Makes Hydrogen Greener for Mobility

Clean Power Capital Corp. provided additional information about the technology being developed by PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Corp. (“PowerTap”), an investee company of Clean Power.

PowerTap’s third generation onsite hydrogen production module unit is enhanced for blue hydrogen classification via Advanced Carbon Capture and using Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) as its main feedstock to generate Blue Hydrogen.

Common sources of RNG, also referred to as biomethane or upgraded biogas, include landfills, animal manure, food scraps and wastewater sludge.

With these “wet” wastes, bacteria break down organic matter and produce methane, carbon dioxide, and other gases and solids through a process referred to as anaerobic digestion.

The resulting biogas can then be processed or “upgraded” to get rid of impurities, so that it is nearly pure methane, and injected into the natural gas pipeline system in the USA. According to the EPA, landfill gas presents a major opportunity to capture and use a significant and often-wasted energy resource.[1]

The majority of hydrogen in the USA is produced utilizing Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) technology  and natural gas as its primary feedstock with limited carbon capture (Grey Hydrogen)[2].

Green Hydrogen is produced using electrolysis[3], which requires significantly higher amounts of electricity which is expensive in many regions[4].

PowerTap’s patented modular, onsite SMR production and dispensing system, which improves upon previous generations of hydrogen technology via advanced carbon capture and the use of RNG as the key feedstock, produces Blue Hydrogen.

PowerTap will be commercializing its Blue Hydrogen fueling solutions co-located on existing gas stations where natural gas and RNG are delivered in key markets starting in the Western USA where Green Hydrogen is not economically viable or physically possible due to the lack of sufficient renewable energy sources to produce electricity.

Kelley Owen, PowerTap’s Chief Operating Officer.

We look forward to being at the forefront of developing the Hydrogen Highway by providing a greener solution using renewable natural gas to support the refueling of vehicles and fleets across the U.S.


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