Hydrogen Central

Successful Relaunch of the European Hydrogen Observatory

European Hydrogen Observatory

Successful relaunch of the European Hydrogen Observatory.

The European Hydrogen Observatory was successfully relaunched on 29 September, during an online event with the participation of speakers from the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe, Clean Hydrogen Partnership, IEA and other Observatory partners.

Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director of the Clean Planet Directorate at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) said:

The Observatory will play a very important role, not only to be informed and to have a common vision on the state of the hydrogen economy in Europe, but also then to provide the evidence base and the factual basis for further policy developments.

“Since the number of hydrogen projects and initiatives are literally exploding, of course, we need to have the appropriate tools to gather and organize all the information in a one-stop shop”.

The Observatory is the leading source of data on hydrogen and the go-to platform for accurate, up-to-date information. The platform provides the opportunity to explore the basic concepts, latest trends, as well as access a variety of data on the entire value chain of the hydrogen sector. The observatory gathers and presents detailed information on hydrogen production, technology manufacturing, infrastructure, distribution, storage and end-uses.  

Mirela Atanasiu, Executive Director a.i. of Clean Hydrogen Europe said:

This observatory is extremely important for us.

“We need to be able to provide accurate data not only on the technology side, but also on the deployment side. We need to provide comprehensive and up-do-date information. We also need to make sure that all the stakeholders are involved when talking about collecting data. We do not only talk about market, but we go as far as talking about research and innovation related data, such as maybe trainings, education material, standards policy based on situations in different member states.” 

Steven Jackson, of Hydrogen Europesaid:

We need transparent, accurate and accessible data for science-based policymaking, but also to inform our business models and to ensure that our sector and the different projects actually reach FID.

The Observatory in a nutshell:  

  • Primary source for information regarding fuel cell & hydrogen technologies in Europe 
  • Provides comprehensive and up-to-date information 
  • Sustains market transparency 
  • Facilitates informed decision-making & knowledge exchange 

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

Successful relaunch of the European Hydrogen Observatory, October 3, 2023

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