Hydrogen Central

Switzerland – The Federal Council presents the national hydrogen strategy

national hydrogen strategy switzerland

Switzerland – The Federal Council presents the national hydrogen strategy

Bern, December 13, 2024 – The Federal Council adopted the national hydrogen strategy at its meeting on December 13, 2024. It contains the Federal Council’s mission statement and objectives for hydrogen and power-to-X derivatives. It also proposes measures for developing the domestic hydrogen market and connecting it to the European market. The strategy assumes low demand for hydrogen in Switzerland until the mid-2030s.

The basis of the hydrogen strategy is the report “Hydrogen. Overview and options for action for Switzerland”, which the Federal Council adopted on November 15, 2023 in fulfillment of postulate 20.4709. The strategy was developed by an internal administrative support group, an external working group and in exchange with the gas industry and the cantons.

mission statement and goals

Hydrogen and Power-to-X derivatives (PtX derivatives: gaseous or liquid energy sources produced on the basis of hydrogen, such as synthetic methane or methanol) are flexible energy sources and can make an important contribution to a fossil-free energy supply by 2050. The strategy aims to create the necessary framework conditions for this. The prerequisite for this is that hydrogen from CO2-neutral production processes is used. It should be used where it makes economic and ecological sense (high-temperature process heat in industry, peak load coverage in combined heat and power plants and thermal networks, reserve power plants, aviation, shipping and heavy traffic).

In addition to domestic production and storage, the connection to the European hydrogen transport network is to be ensured and imports are to be strengthened through international cooperation and partnerships. The hydrogen infrastructure is to be developed along the entire value chain (production, conversion, transport, storage and refueling infrastructure) and Switzerland is to be strengthened as a location for education and innovation through the development of the necessary technologies.

demand development, domestic production and imports

There is still no reliable information from the business community on future demand. The hydrogen strategy assumes that demand for hydrogen and PtX derivatives in Switzerland will be rather low until the mid-2030s and can be met mainly through domestic production.

In Switzerland, hydrogen can be produced at existing power plants or close to customers who use the hydrogen directly on site or transport it further. Hydrogen is transported in converted or newly built gas pipelines as well as by road and rail. From 2035 onwards, the transport and distribution infrastructure in Europe will probably be expanded to such an extent that imports into Switzerland will be possible. Storage would require large gas storage facilities, which do not yet exist in Switzerland, or the hydrogen will be converted into liquid synthetic energy sources.

Domestic demand is expected to increase from 2035 onwards. Since imports from the EU and third countries will be cheaper than domestic production in the long term, the share of imports is expected to increase continuously from then on. However, there are uncertainties regarding the trend in demand.


Domestic hydrogen production and storage can be promoted for six years through measures in the Climate and Innovation Act (KlG). In addition, the UVEK and the Federal Department of Finance, with the involvement of the cantons and the owners of the transit gas pipeline, will examine the need for and possibilities of financially securing the transit gas pipeline for connection to the European hydrogen network by the end of 2025. At the same time, the need for the prospect of a promising business model should play a key role in the analysis of any financial security.

The development of the Swiss hydrogen market will in future be reflected in the monitoring of the Energy Strategy 2050 and in the future energy perspectives of the UVEK. The UVEK is also developing a concept to provide suitable areas for operators of hydrogen filling stations at the heavy goods vehicle control centers along the national roads. The topic of energy storage is to be discussed at a round table with representatives from the federal administration, the cantons and the energy industry.

The development of a hydrogen market in Switzerland requires close cooperation between business, the federal government, cantons, cities and municipalities. The cantons are therefore recommended to develop their own hydrogen strategies, review their development plans and approval practices for possible bureaucratic hurdles, and harmonize their legal framework. In addition, the cantons should work with the energy industry to strengthen training and further education in order to counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

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