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The Future of Hydrogen Home Heating Is Unknown, But These Green Methods are Effective Now

hydrogen home heating

The future of hydrogen home heating is unknown, but these green methods are effective now.

The biggest advantage of heating your home with hydrogen is that it drastically reduces your property’s carbon dioxide emissions. In the U.S., the average household produces 7.5 tons of carbon dioxide every year, so cutting this figure is essential.

There have been reports that heating with hydrogen is financially unsustainable. But as it is an eco-friendly option, there are still calls for it to be given the green light. Until there’s a definitive answer to this, let’s find out how else you can keep your home warm in eco-friendly ways.

Install a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat shouldn’t take any longer than 2 hours to install. Once it’s in your property, you could save $180 per year. This is good news as heating costs between winter 2021 and winter 2022 increased by 28%. To get the most out of your thermostat, customize the settings to suit your family’s lifestyle and needs.

For example, set the temperature to rise shortly before you get up in the morning and program it to lower the temperature in the evening when everyone is in bed. These thermostats also have settings to save your energy consumption when you’re at work and away on vacation.

Insulate as much as possible

The more insulation your home has the better. You haven’t got to go all out and insulate the walls, floors, and roof at an average cost of $3,000 to $10,000, though. This is the last thing you want to do if you’re one of the 67% of people who are currently worried about the cost of living. Instead, focus on insulating small things.

Replacing drapes with thick insulated, lined drapes will keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Windows can be insulated with many budget-friendly things, including aluminum foil, bubble wrap, and caulk. The most important thing to do is to buy from a company that prioritizes eco-friendliness.

A delivery company that takes the last mile delivery seriously will get the items you order to you quickly. Providing tracking information means you can be sure you’re in to receive your items so the delivery driver doesn’t pointlessly make the trip to your home and have to return at a later date. Businesses wanting to improve customer service should also make deliveries flexible and changeable. 

Go smart

It was recently reported by Consumer Reports that adding smart technology to your home can increase its value by 5%. But this isn’t the only reason to go smart. The U.S. Department of Energy states that smart appliances reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 9%.

Smart thermostats let you take control of your home’s temperature from anywhere so there’s no need to worry about forgetting to turn it off when you go to work. Some learn your daily patterns and will heat your home accordingly while others use sensors to only heat the rooms you’re using rather than your entire home.

The future of hydrogen home heating systems remains to be seen. But until then, there are plenty of ways to keep your home toasty without having too much of a negative impact on the environment.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

The Future of Hydrogen Home Heating Is Unknown, But These Green Methods Are Effective Now, May 10, 2023

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