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UK regulator brings together experts to give lift to the future of hydrogen fuel

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UK regulator brings together experts to give lift to the future of hydrogen fuel.

The UK Civil Aviation Authority has today announced a new working group to continue to support the development of hydrogen as the next step for green fuel in the aviation industry.

H2Wo (the Hydrogen Working Group) will ensure that the development and implementation of the Hydrogen Challenge aligns with stakeholder needs and expectations while maintaining a high standard of safety and encouraging efficiency and innovation.

The group’s work will help develop hydrogen into a functional, scalable form of aviation fuel, focusing on the use of Hydrogen to power aircraft, the certification of aircraft which use it as a fuel, and the handling, safety and infrastructure needed at airports to facilitate the change.

The group will be a collaboration between the regulator and government, industry, academia, and community stakeholders connected to the Hydrogen Challenge project. It will facilitate engagement, consultation, and collaboration on how hydrogen can continue to be developed as one of the ways the industry can achieve net zero.

Sophie O’Sullivan, Head of Future Safety and Innovation at the UK Civil Aviation Authority, said:

Introducing hydrogen as an aviation fuel is a critical step towards the achievement of zero emission flight in the future.

“This is why we’ve been working to encourage development and safe experimentation in the sector, ensuring that the UK continues to move towards a future with greener, safer aviation industry. Launching the H2Wo is another important link in this chain.

“As with so many other innovations in aviation, the use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel is moving from yesterday’s remote fantasy to an inevitable reality.  The UK Civil Aviation Authority will work at pace to enable the safe testing and use of hydrogen, supporting the development of the industry whilst maintaining public safety.” 

Applications for H2Wo open on 23rd July 2024 and will close 5th September 2024.

The UK Civil Aviation Authority launched the Hydrogen Challenge in 2023. In November 2022, the UK Government awarded the Civil Aviation Authority a grant of £939,150 via the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund to deliver the Hydrogen Challenge. The RPF is a grant-based fund to enable UK regulators and local authorities to help create a UK regulatory environment that encourages business innovation and investment. The current £12m round is being delivered by the DSIT. The Civil Aviation Authority is working with companies such as ZeroAvia and Cranfield Aerospace.

The Hydrogen Challenge allows collaboration between industry and academia to understand the opportunities and risks that hydrogen as a fuel poses. This drives safety, helps identify gaps in regulation, and allows for new recommendations to develop future Jet Zero policies.

The project is currently enabling innovation sandboxes allowing companies to safely run tests and collect data on the use of hydrogen as a fuel. Experts have also developed a hazard, risk, challenges, and opportunities log to help build the roadmap to widespread deployment of an exciting technology of the future.

READ the latest news shaping the hydrogen market at Hydrogen Central

UK regulator brings together experts to give lift to the future of hydrogen fuel. source

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