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European Commission Proposes €42 Million Funding for La Robla Green Hydrogen Plant, Spain

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European Commission Proposes €42 Million Funding for La Robla Green Hydrogen Plant, Spain.

In a significant move towards fulfilling decarbonisation commitments, the European Commission has put forth a proposal to inject 42 million euros into the renewable hydrogen production plant stationed in La Robla, León. This plant, backed by Naturgy and Enagás Renovable, is a part of the Innovation Fund programme, an initiative aimed at the deployment of innovative low-carbon technologies within the European Union (EU).

Selection and Operation

The La Robla plant stands out as one of the 13 projects selected for the electrification of industry and hydrogen. It is among the 41 projects cherry-picked from 239 applications across 14 EU countries and Norway. It is expected to be fully operational by 2030. The plant, boasting of a 280 MW capacity, will find its home at the former Naturgy thermal power plant site. A key feature of its development includes the establishment of a photovoltaic solar generation project.

Impact and Implementation

The ambitious project is aiming to reduce over 430,000 tonnes of CO2 annually, with Fertiberia leading the charge as the main potential hydrogen consumer. The project is in alignment with the hydrogen transport infrastructure in Spain and supports the energy transition and industrial decarbonisation in the region. The funding is marked as a milestone for the project and for the economic revival of Just Transition areas.

Renewable Hydrogen: A Crucial Element

The project was first presented a year ago with several government representatives participating. Renewable hydrogen, produced through electrolysis using renewable energy, is seen as a crucial element in achieving climate neutrality by 2050, as per the European Green Pact. It is projected to play a significant role in decarbonising industries and in energy storage and sectoral integration.

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European Commission Proposes €42 Million Funding for La Robla Green Hydrogen Plant, Spain. source

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